Brrrrrr......It was so cold this morning as I got ready for my walk, that I bundled up as if I was starting for the North Pole. The gloves were the first to go, then scarf, hat and after four miles the jacket was tied around me. Felt like I was doing a strip walk..........the shoes helped me walk faster.
I began to think how I tend to keep things I might need again and decided that this was going to be a year of letting go of some of my "stuff". I gave daughter #2 a clock that had been my Mother's as she was getting ready to go back to NY. I just took off wall and said would you like to have this? She took it and was gone before I could change my mind......She was out of here with it before I could take a picture......She knows her Mom very well, she was afraid I would change my mind.
Oh yes I do! We LOVE our new clock!!!